Leonard Wibberley 's Books
A very well recieved series by Leonard Wibberley are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Flint's Island, The Mouse On The Moon: eBook Edition (The Grand Fenwick Series 2), The Mouse That Saved The West: ebook Edition (The Grand Fenwick Series 4), The Mouse On Wall Street: eBook Edition (The Grand Fenwick Series 3), The Mouse on Wall Street, The Mouse That Roared: eBook Edition (The Grand Fenwick Series 1), The Mouse That Roared, which was published in 2022.
Flint's Island
The Mouse On The Moon: eBook Edition (The Grand Fenwick Series 2)
The Mouse That Saved The West: ebook Edition (The Grand Fenwick Series 4)
The Mouse On Wall Street: eBook Edition (The Grand Fenwick Series 3)
The Mouse on Wall Street
The Mouse That Roared: eBook Edition (The Grand Fenwick Series 1)
The Mouse That Roared